Well that was a Hot Day

Work continued at the top end of the Fireclay Mine Haulage system to give visitors to the station a sense of what it looked like when in operation. There are a few bits left to do to tidy from the top fence to the footbridge which will be tackled next weekend.  This work is the first of many mini projects to provide points of interest along the meadow walk.         

View before the slope was tackled.                                         Due to the old sleeper bed foundations most of the bramble & nettle roots had matted together 4 – 6″ below the surface which made it hard going in between and underneath the rails.                          


Below are views after the clearance – the cable used to pull the hutches is still present along with the roller guides. These will be cleaned up in time and close up images of the makers name taken.

While clearing the vegetation some old nails and large drill bit was discovered. These will be cleaned up and will be eventually exhibited at the station.