Haulage System Renovation Project

The Haulage system from a mechanical view points is in very good condition and will provide a great in-site into the Industrial past of Birkhill’s Fire Clay Mining history. The Project to renovate is broken into manageable phases to provide visitors some visible understanding of the Haulage System.

Phase -1 Upper ramp section to the bottom of the bridge (May – June 2017)

  1. Removal of overgrowth and clear rubble and soil away from tracks & sleepers
  2. repaint hutch and cable guide rollers

Current situation:

Clearance work has commenced to the top section of the ramp system, which has already unearthed artifacts from the mining years (will be exhibited in the Station Visitors Centre) as well as the Hutch Pulley system. Work will take a further 4 weeks to complete this phase of the renovation programme.

27th May Status:





Vegetation clearance work completed from the fence to the bridge